Jeff Lieberman


Jeff loves the long forgotten questions of childhood: Who are we? How did we get here? He adores the ones that some brave adults ask: What keeps me from feeling totally free? How am I not myself? How do I love myself and others more deeply? How do I find my deepest authentic joy?

He is an artist and musician, and builds sculptures internationally, exploiting the limits of human perception. He hosted ’Time Warp’ on the Discovery Channel to share these wonders.

He spent ten years at MIT studying math, physics, mechanical engineering and robotics, and now thinks the most interesting puzzle is a human being — how do we find our deepest freedom?

He learned advanced quantum mechanics at MIT before he learned about the beauty and intelligence of his emotions and the varied perspectives of consciousness. This has led to a deep passion to bring a paradigm shift to education and relationships, one that educates the emotional and spiritual aspects of our being as well as the mental and physical.

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